Adam Gordon Books

Adam Gordon Books

Adam Gordon Books at the Victorian Station Strathpeffer

A range of books particularly about trams, buses, railways and shipping, and general books

I specialise in secondhand books on transport, particularly trams, buses, railways and shipping, but I also carry stocks of general books like topography, literature, reference, fshing, shooting, gardening, cookery etc.

I am also a publisher and have a selection of my transport tiitles, like the "Twighlight Years of Trams" series - Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee - and reprints of titles like "The Life of I.K. Brunel", "Trams across the Wear" (Sunderland), "Monorails" (passenger carrying), "Manx Electric Railway Saga", "Fell Mountain Railways", and a 7 volume "History of the British Steam Tram".

My main stock is at home near Brora, from which I run a postal business, issuing a quarterly list of manly secondhand literature and ephemera.

Home address:
Kintradwell Framhouse, Brora, Sutherland KW9 6LU

Opening Hours:

Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 4pm (April - October)
Saturday 11am - 4pm (November - March)

Contact: Adam Gordon

Address: Victorian Station Strathpeffer

Telephone: 01408 622 660




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