Community Parks Project

Community Parks Project

New Strathpeffer Community Parks Project takes a Big Step forward

Community Parks Project Strathpeffer

A couple of years ago, a young dad in the village had the great idea of developing the bit of land near the childrens’ playpark at the top of the village playing field. Over the years, this area has become overgrown, but could become a great space for us all to enjoy.

You may remember completing a survey or seeing a stall at the village market asking people what they thought about developing the area and what they’d like to see there. There were lots of great suggestions – allotments, bike track, seating, community gardens to name but a few.

Things went a little quiet for a while but suddenly this project is back on the agenda again and there has been renewed interest in moving forward to the next stage.

On Monday 20th February there was a meeting held at the Community Centre. This was attended by people who had previously expressed an interest in the project and the result was agreement that we should all work together to make this project happen. It’s going to take some time! Three of the priorities discussed were:

1. to create a village garden around the plot to give us all a communal space we can enjoy, work together, grow what we like best and plant for wildlife.

2. to develop a play area suitable for all ages

3. to give our older children an area to use for their bikes. They are constantly being moved on from various spots in the village and are desperately in need of their own secure space where they can safely use their bikes. There is plenty of space in the proposed area to allocate to bikes which is well away from housing.

There are already a few willing volunteers to help get this project up and running, but we desperately need more people from all areas of the village to show their support. With that in mind, if you think you may like to get involved in some way, please come to a meeting on the 12th March at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

Mandy MacLeman the Tenant Participation Officer with The Highland Council will also be at the meeting to advise and will support us through many stages of the project.

If you would like to see this happen, if you have any ideas or don’t like any of the ideas put forward, then this is your opportunity to say what you think. Or if you would just like to know more, then please come along. All welcome!

Contact: Alison Munro or Jean McNair


Telephone: 420172 or 421343

Email: ku.gro.egallivreffephtarts|skrapytinummoc#ku.gro.egallivreffephtarts|skrapytinummoc


Download brochure: strathpeffer-cpp.pdf Map of Community Parks Project area

Community Parks Project Strathpeffer
Community Parks Project Strathpeffer
Community Parks Project Strathpeffer

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