Nordic Fitness Walking

Nordic Fitness Walking

Good company, good fun and good exercise…


Nordic walking is so much more than just walking with specially designed poles. It's great fun and a proven way of getting into shape that is more effective than swimming, running or cycling!

Nordic Walking has many benefits a a health and fitness activity:

* Walk further and faster
* feel more refreshed and energised than ordinary walking
* It does not require special clothing
* Uses 90% of your muscles
* It is a social activity accessible to peole of all ages and ability
* Burns up to 46% more calories than ordinary walking (helps with weight management)
* It takes the pressure off your knees and joints and is great for back and neck problems

Nordic Walking is endorsed by health and fitness and lifestyle professionals including the NHX, the British Heart Foundation and Weigh Watchers.

Instruction is available for individuals or groups up to a maximum of 12 people on any walk.

Contact: Denys McNair


Telephone: 07808 767 548 or 01349 830 227




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