Discovering History through Objects
Discovering History through Objects - a series of workshops |
Discovering History through Objects - a series of workshops
Wednesday 14/11/2012
Time: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Location: Highland Museum of Childhood
Entry Fee: £12.50
A series of workshops with curator's illustrated talks and practical activities showing how to do basic research and gather evidence from historical sources.
14th Nov: Strathpeffer's Spa History
21st Nov: Emigration, and Return to Strathpeffer
28th Nov: WWII The Home Front in Ross-Shire.
Each session will be 2-4pm. £12.50 for all 3 sessions. Please book in advance.
To book or for more information contact: The Highland Museum of Childhood, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, IV14 9DH. Tel: 01997 421031. Email: ku.gro.doohdlihcfomuesumdnalhgih|ofni#ku.gro.doohdlihcfomuesumdnalhgih|ofni
Contact: The Highland Museum of Childhood
Telephone/Mobile: 01997 421031
Email: ku.gro.doohdlihcfomuesumdnalhgih|ofni#ku.gro.doohdlihcfomuesumdnalhgih|ofni
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